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By nostatic

Coffee Van

A more relaxing day, apart from the nerve wracking Scotland match, a very typical viewing experience for any sports loving Scot.

Out for a walk along some of the disused railway tracks, headed for Scotland St park with the boy. He feel alseep, so we took the executive decision to have coffee and cake in Ronde (the lovely cycling cafe on Hamilton Pl). Typically Arlo woke up as soon as we started on our slices of cake, he does a fine line in making you feel guilty that you're not treating him. The walk home took in the Stockbridge market and a belated shot on the swings and slides for little man.

The soundtrack in Ronde seemed to shuffle between Blur and Aphex Twin, a mix that's fine by me. Here's something from the blur boys. I had a dream the other night where Damon Albarn poo-pooed this tune, what does he know?

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