Old rubble

Up reasonably early this morning to go down to Crosby beach or as we call it `the erosion` for obvious reasons.
Chris always loves coming here whenever we come to Liverpool, I love it as it takes me back to childhood days. Playing on the rubble, rock pooling, paddling in the mucky Mersey before going home for dinner.
Sometimes my Dad would ask if I wanted to go for an hour and we would sit in the car or walk up the beach watching the ships sailing in and out of the port..happy days
I read from another blippers journal that all this rubble which forms a bit of a defence against the tidal waters of the sea came from the 1941 May blitz which saw the city and surrounding areas suffer a 24/7 bombing during the war....interesting bit of social history.
Back home this evening, unpacked and then repacked for us going to Scotland tomorrow...will hopefully be able to post whilst I`m up there and will catch up with you all.
Hope your weekend was a good one...night night

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