
We watched a programme on telly tonight, discussing SA history and people presented old valuables to be evaluated by auctioneers of antiques. There was quite a few pieces dating back to 1902, when lots of South
African soldiers were kept prisoner on St Helena Island, which made us wonder what this piece would be worth!

My great grandfather was a prisoner of war there and he made this by hand, used a piece of sharpened glass to do the engraving with. On the lid is the word 'Werkkastje' which is Dutch for 'work box', and next to the word are two hearts, cut from bone and his surname, initials and the date 7/09/03 is carved out on the bone hearts, on the front he carved: St Helena, 4 April 1902.

The carvings framing the box are precision made, can't believe it's done by hand and with a piece of glass, no tools avaialable! The hinges were made out of 'bully beef' tins and the nails out of pieces of wire, sharpened on stone.

I wish I knew what kind of wood was used, because it is quite heavy, dense wood. It went through so many hands in it's life time, but is still 100% intact, it was really very neatly 'manufactured'!

I would love to know the value of this, although I will never part with it!

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