Who knew?

By InOtherNews


I used to be a little boy
So old in my shoes
And what I choose is my choice
What's a boy supposed to do?

I did once used to be a little boy. People often ask me as a little boy was my mother strict? I said of course not, she was never a little boy. Boom boom.

Anyway this shot is a bit self indulgent but also has that meaning I try and attached to everything. I've been thinking a lot about computer games recently (as you do) and thought I'd bring you the average scene from my living room post midnight on a Saturday. This. Although usually I'd have a controller in my hand and not a drink. I'm not quite sure how Rascal sneaked in here.....

The eagle eyed amongst you may spot a Nintendo Wii, the world famous games console for kids and girls. I have it as they released a version of Mariokart on it, and Mariokart and I have history.

You may be able to spot a N64 in here as well. Retro gaming. One of the first machines to allow a genuine 4 way experience without buying much additional equipment. The first console to really introduce the concept of hunt and kill, made so famous now by Modern Warfare and all that.

The Xbox360 is visible as well. Quite simply the best console ever put together, it has now had 6 years on the shelf and is still at the peak of it's game. This christmas promises a new Hitman game, a new Saints Row game and the obligatory FIFA / Assassins Creed release. Big times.

So as a little boy I was treated to Commodore Vic 20's, C64's and Amiga 600's. I progressed to Megadrives and Super Nintendos and soon found myself with a PS1. Then a PS2. Then an Xbox. Then a 360......

I still have them all as well, scattered about the place.

So there you have it. My name is Gary, I'm 32 and I am a gamer. I've recently completed LA Noire and eagerly await either the new FIFA or the Assassins Creed release 'revelations' (or something) to keep me going. Some people like drink. Some people like drugs. Some people like sex. I'm with them on all those things (joke. I hate drinking) but I also like computer games. I'm not a geek, I don't masturbate over Lara Croft and I have never ever spent 24 hours on World of Warcraft. However when it comes to down time I like to revert to the scene above, and if there's nothing to play then I'll fire up Football Manager on the PC and throw hours of my life away on a game that you don't actually get to control the players on.

If it's digital and can be played then I'm usually on it like a fly on a turd.

So I'd like to welcome you to my world: 5 days of computer game related shots during which time hope to touch on some of the most influencial releases of my life, with the usual amusing story as to why.

maybe. Or maybe I'll get bored tomorrow and try and shoot something that has as many references to The Smashing Pumpkins song 'Bullet with Butterfly Wings'. I don't know.

In other news: nowt. I'm not sleeping well still, probably through that over riding worry about a lack of job. It's either that or I have a rare condition which allows a person to feel really tired all the time, but never actually get sleep. Get this: I even get up when I wake up at the moment. I haven't had a proverbial 'lie in' in ages.

Poor me etc etc.

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