Without Malice

By aforethought

Canine Neutrino

Okay so perhaps I lack a little topicality... but I have watched two episodes of Dr Who this week...

The whole CERN neutrino measurement story has certainly excited people. Even XKCD got in on the act. The BBC are telling us everything Einstein said was wrong and Sky are talking about time travel. No doubt The Sun will have an artist's impression of Eccentrica Gallumbits on page 3 on Monday, and I am too scared to even think what the Daily Mail headline will be!

But come now. Let's remember it's only interesting for those bearded amongst us for now. Let the numbers be checked, and the ramifications argued about. There are careers yet to be made writing papers, and Lodsys are already looking to scoop some patent action.

And instead of reading more about this today. It was home movie night tonight. Tron, a very 1982 film with more Easter Egg jokes in it than I ever realised in my youth! And then the inimitable Duck Soup, a comedy favourite and just what The Doctor ordered!

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