Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Self Portrait

I noticed that some Blippers are following a listed and numbered series of photos and number 1 on the list is a self-portrait.
I have never posted a SP on blip. This may or may not be because life has ravaged the old fizzog; or my teeth have always been set into my jaw like the waves of a stormy sea; or many other reasons.
I reckon though that with a bit of Photoshop Elements Make-up on this'll do.

I was a bit overwhelmed with all you kind blippers giving me time of day yesterday for my 2 Balloon celebration when I know I get first prize for lack of commenting. However, in recognition of your support I started to return the comments at 5.30am this morning and by 9.40am I had finished. I reckon I get first prize for also being the slowest commenter.

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