Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Duck Race

The annual Carradale Duck Race in aid of church funds is being held tomorrow. The main preparations started today with the erection of the marquee, which was slightly more problematic than usual due to the freshening south westerly wind. Although it is well tied down, fingers are crossed that the wind doesn't get up during the night and blow it away!

The event starts with a BBQ in our neighbour's garden at one o'clock and as well as the mandatory burgers and sausages also includes clams and chicken wraps, which are delicious. There are also home made soups, sweets and baking to fill everyone up. Once the food has been consumed over 300 ducks, accompanied by many of their sponsors, will be piped to the nearby Carradale Water where they will be launched and the race started. With all the rain there has been the race should fast and the main problem may be recovering them once they have crossed the finishing line. Each year a few escape with some being washed up on the beach.

The competition is keen and some of the ducks have been known to get in a bit of practice ahead of the race. I blipped this little fellow limbering up on our lawn in fron of the marquee. May the best duck win!

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