The blues?

James is beginning to inspire me.

I have hankered after playing the guitar for years, partly because my brother plays guitar and bass guitar and I love listening to him. Recently the urge to play has returned, but I am thinking that I actually want to learn to play bass rather than 6 string. I'm pondering....

James spent 45 minutes with his guitar teacher tonight, recording little riffs onto his foot pedal/synth gadget that my brother bought for him for his birthday. He wrote the music, recorded it, put a drum beat behind it and it did sound really quite cool. The tune is still in my head.

Inconveniently, he accidently deleted it a little while ago. He's going to re-record it tomorrow night.

He has also formed a band, with his friend who plays drums. They are currently looking for a singer! His friend's Dad is also in a band and has his own home studio that he has offered to them to practice in. I'm hoping that they get famous so I can blag some money off James in order to pursue an alternative career path that doesn't involve the marking of coursework and the jumping through various hoops that I seem to do a lot of!

Another early night is needed, after a very long day that has been interspersed with further random shooting pains, lower right side of my abdomen. I'm a wreck. Send me off to the glue factory!!!

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