michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Unknown

I like finding new birds, but I hate not being able
to identify them. I have never had much luck finding them on-line. I have a
feeling this is a juvenile of some kind...but it seems late in the season for
babies. I love the little vvvv's all over the bird's trunk.
The bluish tint would lead me to think some sort of
grackle...but I've seen some juvie grackles...and they didn't look like this. A
little help would be greatly appreciated.
Our trees are just beginning to change colors. I
took my first picture of a red tree today. I also had a small herd of
geese(15-20) munching on the fallen fruit of a pear tree. I don't like the word
gaggle, but I hope the gaggle of gangly geese don't gag on the green
Ater a week...I finally finished my back-blips of
my vacation out-west. They start on Sept. 4th for about 10 days. I would link
you there if I knew how. It's hard to teach an old Goose new

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