Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Chainsaw massacre

Busy day gardening. We started off in No 41, their bouganvillea had gone wild, it took us 2 hours to cut it back and bag all the debri, then onto our garden. The hedge needed trimming, so out came the chainsaw, we had to stop at 2pm as no loud machinery is supposed to be used between 2 - 4pm, so at 4pm we started. 3 bags of conifer hedge clippings have gone to the bin. Roy still has the rest of the hedge to do, which will probably take him a couple of days.

Off out to a bbq tonight at No. 11, our friends Keith and Chris have rented the house for 3 weeks, the first week they had her son, daughter in law and granddaughter out, daughter in law abdicated responsibility for the child whilst she was there, so Chris did the majority of the work looking after Isabel. Kelly (daughter in law) was paranoid that Isabel would be kidnapped as per Madelyn McCann, so for a week the windows didn't get opened and the shutters stayed down, it was a fraught week, they went home, and the next day Keiths daughter, son in law and 17 month old twins came out. Lisa, Keiths daughter, kept the twins in their normal daily routine, tea at 5pm, bath, bottle and bed by 6.30pm then it was adult time. The twins slept through the night, and it was a more relaxed week for Keith and Chris. They now have a week to themselves.

Back blipped yesterday.

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