Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Blue Sky Thinking...

...was the most unpopular example of 'business-speak' in the UK in 2009 according to a survey by the Internet Advertising Bureau. The full Top Ten rundown was

1. Blue sky thinking
2. Singing from the same hymn sheet
3. Thinking outside the box
4. Touching base
5. Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes
6. End to end solution
7. We must reach out
8. Evolution NOT revolution
9. All on the same page
10. Team work makes the dream work

The now ubiquitous "Going forward" was apparently still in its infancy back in those long-gone heady days!

Anyway, be that as it may, the sun came out for several whole minutes whilst I was out on my lunchtime perambulations so I took the opportunity to get this shot of the Port of Liverpool Building with the Leeds-Liverpool canal in the foreground. The sky had returned to standard issue grey by the time I was back at my desk and it's now raining again. And that's the bottom line. Or am I pushing the envelope too far?

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