
By middleman


Brilliant blue cloudless skies that quickly turned into cloud-filled non-blue-skies as we headed to Lindisfarne. Been there loads of times over the years but still get a thrill from that journey over the causeway - "We're driving over the sea girls ! Over the sea!" They did like it , but perhaps not quite as much as Dad, ahem...

Some great stuff on the island if you have plenty of time to explore. The castle, the priory, the beach with the seal colony at the end of it with inquisitive seals just bobbing around in the water off the rocks. Ace.

Quick explanation of the title - there's a little harbour just at the start of the path to the castle with some sheds that look like upturned boats, they may even be converted boats for all I know. In fact, they probably are. Any road, they remind me of artist Simon Starling's piece Shedboatshed that was part of his Turner-nominated show some years ago.

Finally, we once went over to Lindisfarne back in our pre-children years with a perfect causeway-driving tune on the stereo. On cassette, obviously.

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