While on my runs

By waipushrink

T'was a wild morning

Up early and out on the road in the cold strong wind; cold enough to put the leggings on again. The effect of the wind on the palm trees in this picture is obvious.

The dark rain clouds kept their moisture and didn't stay around long, although they were replaced by similar on a regular basis, and there has been wet and windy weather all day.

Went out west to see someone the Court wanted a second opinion on, then back to the office to deal with correspondence and reports until an appointment or two late this afternoon.

Am now packing my overnight stuff to head North to be with the redoubtable S who is having to be with her mother, including overnight due to concerns at the effects of the extra medications helping her be more comfortable as her chest infection resolves; at least we hope it resolves.

So this is the best of the half dozen shots from while on my run this morning. Pleased to get to 300; not as originally intended 300 while running; but about three quarters are.

Thanks to everyone for the support I have experienced and for the pleasure I have gained through my interactions with you all. I will not have computer access at MIL's place so no visiting other journals and no comments until I'm back tomorrow evening at earliest.

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