My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

Abnormal Load

Monday Madness!

It starts at home -

Trying to get 3 children out of bed and ready for school. One is sick and must be attended to before I leave.

School lunches prepared, pets fed, washing loaded into machine - ok off we go!

6:40am - Remember to collect headboy on our way to school. (I forgot and had to do a U-turn).

Stop to take a photo of an abnormal load - not sure what it is or where it is going, but it was two trailers of silver coil and each coil was larger than the cab. (This truck was parked in this spot since Friday)

Do lots of work at school.

2:30pm - Rush home and then take T to the doctor to get her checked out. Luckily she has something viral and will recover with rest.

Meet Principal for coffee and update as she has just returned from Cambridge conference.

Pop into Spar for last minute groceries.

Get home at 6:45pm

Prepare supper.

SMS parents and teachers re: school photos tomorrow.

Prepare my children's clothes, lunches etc. for school tomorrow.

Mr G arrives at 7:45

Eat supper with family.

Do 2 loads of washing.

Say goodnight to kids.

Email my Blip for the day.

Get into bed and browse new Blip entries.

Say goodnight to Mr G.

Edit Blip entry.

10 pm Fall asleep with phone in my hand!


Survived another Monday - just another "busy Mom" day!

Another Abnormal Load

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