....The coffee tasted so fine.....

Don't kids grow up quick these days?

Not content with writing Grandma's birthday card last week here's Charlotte drinking her early morning coffee from McD's.

She was an angel last night and slept through from 9.30 until about 7.00 this morning. The Son and Heir, Charlotte and me watched England trounce Georgia in the Rugby World Cup and then I sneaked off for a couple of hours fishing, once the Boss had got home from her night shift.

Both of us seem to have developed mega head colds overnight, with an irritating cough and a throbbing headache thrown in. Mine cleared a bit with being out in the fresh air for a few hours but it's back now with a vengance, so no night out with D and B. The Boss' just seems to have got worse for being asleep all day.

Watched my beloved United give Chelsea a bit of a pasting 3-1 to go top of the league and become the only team with 100% record....5 matches gone, 33 to go, but it's looking good....almost as good, the noisy neighbours only got a draw and the Scouser's got tatered by Spurs!

I cooked tonight.....well the Boss defo wasn't up for it......my Mum's noodle thingy. Dead easy, brown 500g of mince, add 1 chopped onion, as many mushrooms as you want, 1 tin of Campbell's condensed mushroom soup, 1 tin of Campbell's condensed tomato soup and 125gb of egg noodles. Give it a good mix and slap it in the oven in a casserole dish (lid on) at 180 degrees C for 45 minutes. Be decadent and grate cheese over the top after serving...always a favourite especially on autumn evenings like tonight.

So the Boss has gone to work, last night shift, four days off to follow, Charlie, The S & H and YH have gone home and the daughter is snoozing on the sofa.............me....oh Match of the Day 2 and then an early night....busy day tomorrow, big quiz match tomorrow evening, busy day and late finish Tuesday.....so I think a hot toddy or two might be the order of the day!

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