Red Light Says Stop

"Red light says stop, Ben!" "Ok" "Stop, Ben!!" "Ok" and the train continues to trundle round.... I have no more energy to take pictures this evening and have been busy / enjoying myself too much today to be thinking even about taking snaps on my phone.

Yesterday evening a cold hit me hard. From cleaning and tidying in the afternoon to being dosed up on paracetamol by teatime - never fails to amaze me just how quickly a cold can suddenly attack! So I spent a restless night half not being able to breathe, and half plain insomnia, and most of it on red alert for Ben needing a wee.

Typically the night we finally get the waterproof sheets down again after washing them on Friday he's dry all night! Glad about that though. Could have done without jolting awake so often though to ask if he needed to go to the toilet every time he stirred.

This morning I decided not to go to church as I was feeling so tired and rough. Steve went out early to set up a loaned projector, and came back in time to take Ben to church. For whatever reason Ben wouldn't settle in creche though so Steve was stuck in there with him all morning...

I meanwhile was able to get on with happily baking a huge chocolate cake and cooking a blackberry and apple crumble to contribute to a church lunch our smallgroup was hosting this afternoon. I miss mornings like this, being able to bake for purpose! Not only do I not have the luxury of mornings to do that any more, I also rarely have reason to do it at the moment. So this was lovely. Even with my cold!

The afternoon has been lovely too. The lunch went really well, lots of people there, yummy food (I really need to get one of the recipes!) and not a great deal left over either but nobody went without. Ben played really nicely with Nathaniel and the other kids that came, didn't eat much but was too involved playing to really mind much.

We've come home with an evening off. Steve is catching up with the rugby, I am not looking forward to putting Ben to bed because I am still really really really full from lunch and can hardly move, and hopefully I can have a snuggle with my hubby after Ben's gone to bed - although at this rate I'm going to be going straight to bed myself after I've had some paracetamol: I am shattered!

Ben has gone past tired and is now going a bit bonkers - which is turning into crying so I'd better stop waffling and start bedtime before it gets too late.

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