Climbing the Mountain

There you go, top of two mountains. The first is 1500 on Blip. Feels great to be here.

The second is Mt John, at Lake Tekapo. I felt somewhat exhausted to be there, mentally and physically. It's the start of training for a cross country ride with a friend, although it subsequently appears there will some fit and legendary mountain bikers on it. I've got 6 weeks to get prepared and while I need to raise my fitness level, a lot, the reason for the trip is fun, it's not a race. I hope!

It might sound corny, but blip is like that challenge. It's a true journey with many milestones, otherwise know as blip birthdays. There are so many quotes, but I think Greg Anderson kind of started them, "Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it." Sound like blip? Yep, I reckon!

So today was about climbing mountains, and realising and I have a long way to go. It's been a hell of a ride, a lot of fun, and it's being amazing connecting with so many people. Shoot, I only thanked Joe and crew a few days ago, so this time, thanks to you blippers. You're a great bunch!

Funny, you might gather the blip isn't of me, it's a Malaysian tourist I met at the top of the mountain. He and his girlfriend stopped me and asked if they could take a photograph, not of me, but him holding my bike. SO funny. He'd climbed his own mountain and we had a good old chat. Lovely to see other people enjoying our country like we do.

I had a good old chuckle ;-)

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