Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff


Whilst reading up on the area behind Skinflats I found out that the land had been drained by Dutch engineers in the 17th Century. If you have a wee wander you can find them.

Went out for a bike ride to escape The Singing Kettle, just 15 miles but the objective was to tidy up a couple of loose ends photo wise. I'm not as calorie rich as Insto after his 3000 kCal extravaganza but I'm going to trough a huge rib eye, shrooms, corn and baked tattie and drink IPA....... cos I'm worth it ;)

Got a copy of John Gossages The Pond delivered today, as fine a book as I've bought... eh for a while (I'm buying one hell of a lot of photo books these days....) Aye Steven, you can borrow it......

Listening to 6Music (a national treasure for sure) and they played this. It was magnificent, especially loud......

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