Slice of my Life

By spcooke

Exquisite Cosmos

I walked to the community garden this afternoon in search of a blip. I really wanted to photograph the mountains today, but the air was full of smoke and the mountains hazy. Instead, I had a delightful time with the annual garden--the Master Gardeners have borders around the community vegetable garden featuring different kinds of gardens: butterfly, herb, perennial, annual, grasses.

The chenille plant and a coreopsis almost stole the show, but this unique cosmos just called to be shared. I love the subtle colors.

The garden didn't freeze; I was able to pull some beets and carrots to share! I will cover the tomatoes again tonight, and hope for the best! I picked beans, chard, zucchini and yellow squash for my dinner tonight! How I love my gardens--vegetables and flowers!

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