Clocking off time
Actually I didn't finish until 6.00, but given that the afternoon shift didn't start until 3.30 and I only did an hour in the morning, I can hardly complain.
The rest of the day was a blur of rushing from one Wednesday activity to the next. I'm sure once we get in the swing of things it'll be easy, but just now Wednesday is a busy day. Katherine has been given a new pony to ride at her school, which mostly seems to spend its time biting the other ponies. They're trying to put her on these bigger ponies so she can switch soon to horses - since her feet practically touch the ground on a pony.
Conor started football club today. Which seemed to go well for him. Even with limited language you can get a long way with following and copying.
Meanwhile, zooming around in a car with no aircon, standing on a blazingly hot sunny football pitch and then sanding a load of plaster has really done my head in. Getting home to find the oven wouldn't work was the final straw. I'm taking my headache off for a (comparatively) early night.
Painting tomorrow, whoopee.
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