
By Serap

Mad dogs and blippers

So, the bee-eaters are currently migrating through Cyprus and I absolutely love them... I love the sound they make, and their wonderful colours, and the way they all swoop around the resort and soar along the ravines that straddle the resort.

Well, what does this have to do with a picture of Titchy cat and a title about dogs, you may well ask. I'll tell you.... today I decided to grab Mark's lovely big posh camera, and cycle up to a high point on the resort where I could look down one of the ravines and hopefully catch the bee-eaters. I stood there for a Long Time, in the heat of the day. Long enough to have tan marks as a result. I saw 1 bee-eater the whole time, as they obviously saw me coming and decided not to do the swooping through the ravine thing. Fine. So I took some pics of the ravine and of a golf buggy going up an extremely steep incline, which I thought was funny. I got too hot and bored waiting for my bee-eater shot, so cycled home to find that I had forgotten to put the memory card in the camera. ARGHHH!

So here is a picture of Titchy cat rotavating our lawn... she's a helpful little thing!

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