While on my runs

By waipushrink

The day before installation

A day of wildly changing emotions and activities.

After being admitted with pains and breathlessness last week, my mother in law has responded to the ministrations of the clinical staff, and was about to have some strengthening physio before returning to stay on her own, 80 Km north. so we started the day feeling that we had a brief window to do some necessary things without worrying also about her.

First task was off to the kitchen people to have the final viewing of the Jesafly designed kitchen for the beach house. Such wonderful warmth from the wood, which is ply, so very strong. There are some cupboards and open spaces (not shown) where it is painted a blue. I chose this view which puts it in the context of the factory, where almost every other project is white. Pleased to post this for the weekly challenge.

The bench goes over the part on the right, and turns back out of view; the sink will occupy part of the big gap which is visible. Cutlery and other drawers come back to the left and that will be covered by a top which I will not tell about until I can show it. The coffee cup is set on a wee cupboard against the wall opening into the open plan dining and living area.

All else is behind the camera.

Got back, and S away to Yoga. Before going out for a VERY gentle jog I talked to the Geeks on Wheels people who yesterday sent a non Mac technician, and found that the one they will send can't do it until Monday. No printer, so will have to spend weekend in the office.

I got back from my jog and received a phone call from S' brother, that their mother was adamant; she is going home today. Due to bed pressure hospital wants her gone now. Logistics delay it for an hour, and I pick up Mr H from school instead of his Granny. He informs us that mummy wants me to collect Young L also, as she has an appointment. No afternoon reports after no morning reports.

All sorted eventually. Everyone in the right place except S and brother, who will return after GP has visited.

Although Hans Selye is reported to have said that the absence of stress is death, both S and I think we could have a reduction please.

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