...And We're Back!

After the long, and slightly intense, couple days on the road, we returned home at midnight and managed to get a full 8 hours of sleep! (that's a good night!) The wedding was lovely if you missed yesterday's blip.

Our friend from the group, Edgejumpers had invited us to come to their church where her band was giving a concert.

This girl doesn't hold still much at all when she's on stage, so I had to be patient to get her semi stationary. I also re-discovered and remembered to actually use the 'night' setting on my camera because the lighting was low. It is the first time indoors that I have been able to get anything worth looking at at all, so I'm content just having something to share. The band did an awesome job, their music is original and they are raising funds to pay for their first CD.

In remembrance of the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11/01 and the Pentagon, and the many courageous first responders who lost their lives that day, we went to the fire station to see a play called "The Guys" which was very well performed, giving a strong impression of what the experience was like for the fire chief who had lost so many men all in one day.

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