
Today you get a rubbish iPhone picture. It was a lovely moment though, colouring in my craft magazine, one of the very few peaceful moments where mummy and Ben were actually friends today.

Shortly after this Ben had another meltdown.

I think he was tired. I think he is just tired generally. He is growing up, and fast. And not getting enough sleep I think. (I know I'm not.)

It has been an awful day today, I could rant at length about the community midwife I had to go and see this morning but I think I will not. Suffice to say, a listening ear and a little paying of attention to one's patient (or whatever I am termed as) costs nothing and goes a long long way. These are the people who are supposed to be the ones supporting you and looking after you during a pregnancy, when the last thing you need is officiousness and more stress.

Ben was a pain getting to the appointment, a pain getting home, and as good as gold during. Typical. He had a meltdown when we were almost to the front door coming home, had to be carried or left at the side of the road. I chose to carry him. I left his bike by the gate and asked him to bring it in, he said no, so I threatened to leave it there for someone to take away and he'd never see it again. He called my bluff (or whatever it is toddlers do) and went and said goodbye to it and then had a MASSIVE meltdown when I stomped outside and brought it in out of the rain myself.

Eventually, thankfully, he went to sleep after several other minor meltdowns over various things. I hate it when he's tired and I'm grumpy. It's a bad combination.

This was my stress relief. Which I never actually drank - it was the therapy of making it and sitting down that calmed me down.

He woke up in a much better temper and we had a lovely cuddle.

The peace hasn't lasted though, he is tired again. And I am still grumpy!! Ben is trying my patience again. (I am grumpy because of diabetes frustrations, and still grumpy at the midwife, and grumpy because I didn't sleep well last night. Not grumpy because of Ben, even though he is being a bit trying now; he's just bearing the brunt of my grumpiness, sadly.)

On the other hand, he has taken himself off to the toilet/potty by himself all day today, only asking for help twice - once when I was there anyway and he decided it was easier to get me to help him pull his trousers back up, and once just now after a poo - he's not at the stage yet where he can clean that one up ;) but he pulled his pants and trousers up by himself! I'm impressed. He's coping with being fully clothed and still managing to take himself off for a wee by himself and come back still fully dressed without getting any clothes or the floor wet!

I think I need to go to bed and try and get out the right side of bed in the morning.

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