Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Little backblip for Saturday

Soooooo here is a shot of the coming together of two countries as a direct result of Blip. Barbies World is currently sampling life in Lincolnshire. Saturday we went to watch Lincoln (as I always do) and then I played FIFA against Kirky (as I usually do) afterwards we introduced Ricky Gervais to our German guest before Zanna joined us for a session.

Cue the Marburg Spirit I believe is spelt Pvorst, and at 38% not for the faint hearted. I scoured the Coop for something local, but apart from Carlsberg brewed in Northants there was nothing. Then this cheaply labelled own brand beer appeared. Saved.

1.30am saw the end of festivities, as the big Lincoln blipmeet was on for 9.30am. Me, Barbie, Thehutch and Lookingforlove. Exciting.

Lincoln lost 2-0 to a pub team.

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