green eyes...

on a most uncooperative gracie

it went down like this...

gracie - i want to show you off on blip today...

"meow... really?"

showed me a truly contemptuous face... i shot it - but it would've been insulting to blip it...

yes - you're beautiful and i'm still stuck inside so it only makes sense...

"yawn... i don't think so..."

she then proceeded to do everything to turn her head while i tried to shoot pictures of her... the little rascal...

gracie - i don't understand why you're being so persnickity... when i blip you, you get the most glorious comments from people... compliments galore about what a pretty kitty you are... quit being so proud...

she then stopped in her tracks - looked at me...

"i am a sweetie... i know this... i suppose i could indulge you for a moment - but i'm not going to look directly at that thing..."

well... of course not - i wouldn't expect you to - you're such a diva after all... you just do what's comfortable for you...

and so i got several side portraits of her little majesty... and this is what i did with the best one - some playing around - making the most of her beautiful eyes...

sometimes being cooped up isn't so bad - having a furry friend to chat with... hang out with and shoot pictures of can certainly make for a

happy day.....

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