What Can You See

Hurrah! Its Friday. Its been a long time coming. I am noticing its a bit darker when I wake up in the morning and this is not a good thing....a little hint that autumn which can blend seemlessly into winter is upon us.

I was going to cook a curry but Mr Lif took pity on me (or himself) and sent out for one instead. We are now eating curry for the rest of the weekend. Too much!

I have been presuaded to upload this one by himself. He can see a face, I agree....its there. Don't go large or you lose it. Squidge your eyes up and let them drift out of focus and its there :) No ?

Have a fab Friday Blipmates. We are confined to barracks tomorrow on account of the Airshow - traffic jams mean we stay local. We are planning a picnic and a long walk to the top of the hill.

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