Splitting Wood!
What a strange day it has been here.....raining off and on, and then around 4.30 the sun came out and the skies cleared...it is an absolutely glorious evening.
Here's Richard using the wood splitter - each year we go thro roughly 8 cords* of wood. The wood is delivered in 8' lengths, which then have to be cut into manageable pieces with the chainsaw.....then each piece is split using this big piece of equipment. Richard pretty well does the whole gig himself! This wood is our only source of heat at the house and the studio for the winter. There are base board heaters in each cabin but we like to encourage the guests to use the woodstoves..... they get about 1 cord for each cabin....it is not only economical - but it adds to the romantic notion of being in a log cabin in the woods don't you think!
*A cord of wood is 4' x 4' x 8'.....which means 128 cubic feet of wood!
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