
By pennipics


This is driving 'us' mad getting out of our small estate safely while trying see both right an left is crazy.
The council are now going to double yellow line where all these cars are now parked..which goes right round the bend and right up the road its been both dangerous for pedestrians and vehicles for the past six months.
It got far worse when 'paying' was introduced on all the surrounding car parks,
Its the long stay cars which cause most of the problems some conveniently block people's driveways!
The bus drivers will also be glad when most of the road is cleared because some idiots park in the bus pull-in.

The question now remains where are all these people going when the Yellow lines are painted, 'we' have a small parking area for those residents who can't be bothered to put their cars in the garages provided which is supposed to be for Visitors.
Whats the betting some will try leaving their cars here...woe betide them!

Have just had to stick a needle in my blistered little finger which was growing to cover half my 'pinkie' didn't hurt cause it was only water just a nuisance with a rather large plaster covering it until it heals up a bit.

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