
By earthdreamer

Gateway to Freedom

With a very busy day at the office ahead, to be followed by our company birthday bash this evening (we are eight years old today!), I woke up knowing that I had to get out and grab my blip for the day before work. Only problem was that it was pouring with rain. So, with dedication to the cause that I hope will be fully appreciated, I set out for a run on the moor at 7am, not usually my favourite time for running - night owl that I am! I actually don't think I've run in the rain for a good many months, and not this early in the morning for a good many more. I'd forgotten just how much fun it is, feeling the water on your face, the mud splashing the backs of your legs, a little bit of chill in the wind encouraging you to move quickly. It's so sensuous! I have to admit that it brings out the kid in me, and I love it.

On the moor there is a sense of solitude and freedom that I don't get from cycling. I was reminded this morning how important that is to me. I suspect that I will be starting my day off like this on a regular basis through the winter months. And as an unexpected bonus, just as I approached the gate here, the sun momentarily broke through the clouds in a burst of brilliant light. This keeps happening to me. Both the clouds and the sun seem to be performing for me on demand! Perhaps the Gods approve of this collaboration we have going!

OK. Time to party! Sorry if I'm not going to be able to catch up with people tonight. There have been some fantastic comments left recently and I've been extremely flattered, as well as highly entertained. I'm really grateful for all the feedback. That is what is making me go that extra yard each day!

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