
By SomeGuyInNJ

Shooting Atoms


Rainy day today. No outside time. Aggrivated kids. No mommy... Ah well...

Kids to bed. Camera not taken out today. Short of a blip. Not to worry can go get sweating in the downstairs bathroom instead. All for the sake of blip it must be understood!

For some reason one of those interlocking elipse type diagrams in head. The kind that have been used to symbolise atoms. The house is open plan so easier to close myself in the downstairs bathroom to get darkness. As well as dark is also hot. Tiny room. Bathroom of the kind that doesnt have a bath or shower. Its in the center of the house and has no windows. Hot and clammy.


First attempt. Stick baby monitor on floor. It has a little green light on it. Try several ways to get camera strap wrapped around camera in way to get it to point down. Long exposure. Swing camera around and hope it doesnt smack on the side of the toilet. Try a few shots. Realize swinging the camera probably isnt the best way to acheive objective.

Second attempt. Get torch. Tie string to end. Torch too bright. Start applying layers of tape. Too diffuse. Poke hole in tape. Plug in cable release to camera. Stick camera on floor pointing up. Hang torch from hand on string over camera. Hope slippery string does drop heavy little metal maglite straight into front glass of lens. Swing string. Click shutter release. Repeat a few times to get ISO/Shutter/Aperture/Zoom right.

Post Production

Import images into Lightroom. Realize in one image with light too bright can see right up my shorts. Laugh and look at other images. Notice that the last few better images have a needle of light pointing into them. Realize its the light under bathroom door recflect off mirror. Decide to incorporate keep in image. Choose image. Tweak image to get better contrast. Rotate and crop so needle shooting at the "atom".

Post Post Production

Call up export dialog for Lightroom Blip plugin. Write a load of gibberish in a clipped fashion that when notice happening becomes contrived. Document blip process. Leave out some details. Show concern for dangers of oscillating camera/toilet interaction. Reach stage where start describing the process of describing the process of making the blip. Resist temptation to recursively persue this ad tedium. Press Submit. Process over. Wonder how can say Process OVER post Submit button press report. Paradox. Continuity error. Abort.


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