an ink bottle... to the 18th century - and the beginning of glassblowing... along with the written word

this particular one is aqua blue - hand blown and in wonderful condition...

i can well imagine its owner... sitting at an old wooden desk, getting her quill ready to dip - putting pen to heavy linen paper.

to be honest... i have no earthly idea how they did it in the day... for if i were to have to use quill on paper, it would be tearing - or smearing - or probably both in my case... my worst nightmare - that would be my fear - and then i wouldn't be able to write... anything... ever... boo! and i absolutely love to write - the written word is like a companion to me.

i am grateful to live in this century... at least for the ability to be able to type - use modern technology... a computer - as frustrating as it is at times, it works for me. but i will be forever fascinated by ink bottles - ink wells and what those in ages past were able to accomplish with them for us today to relish... read... get lost in. i'm sure in the future, there are those who will look back saying the same thing about those of us using computers.

for now, whether looking back or being in the present... it's a good thing to be able to put our words on paper thus making for a

happy day.....

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