
By marshland

Sweet reflections

Quick blip tonight as it's really, really late and mum's stressing because she's back at school tomorrow (at least I have another two days off - yippee!)

Sunday early start for Libby's swimming. Grandma and grandad also came to watch Libby swim this morning, so that was nice. They're looking after us tomorrow and they're taking us to York for the day. Aren't grandparents just the best?!

After swimming we had pancakes for breakfast. As we didn't have any syrup left to put on the pancackes, me and Libby went to our local shop and bought some. They only had cans of syrup and not bottles like we normally get, but this worked out so well because I just couldn't resist taking some shots of the syrup (it not only tastes gorgeous, but it looks great in a can too!). I liked this shot because you can see different reflections in it - my camera and hand and the window.

I spent the afternoon at Victoria's house, playing with Jas and Jaden. We went to the park and played at their house. As always, I had a great time. Mum and Victoria worked on their laptops all afternoon, but I think they felt better for getting their planning done (no stressed out mum for a while now hopefully!). Jas and Jaden had pancakes for lunch and I helped cooking them. I think I have dad's skills in the kitchen, because my pancake flipping was pretty spectacular if I do say so myself!

Dad's coming back from London tomorrow, so I'm really excited. I've missed him so much and can't wait for a daddy cuddle. Night, night daddy, love you lots Xxxx

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