Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

folly farm


We went to Folly Farm today - a huge adventure farm/zoo/fair sort of place nearby. Amelie had a nap in the car on the way and luckily for her, Nana and Daddy had a bit of a breakdown in commuication and went to completely the wrong place first so she had a pretty decent nap by the time we got there. When we arrived we went to look at the farm animals first. Amelie enjoyed poking the animals in the nose, but thankfully they didn't seem to mind. She was particuarly taken witht he chickens and with a lamb that was sniffing around under the fence trying to get to her. After the farm animals we went into a different bit, where there were slightly more exotic parrots, armadillos (which I found really creepy and eeeuughh), snakes and tortoises. We had our picnic outside on the grass and Amelie eat quite well considering she kept running off. After our picnic we went to look at the zoo part of the farm and had a look at the giraffes, zebras, meercats, camels etc. Amelie was exhausted by this point having walked for most of the way but she still managed a play in the park and an ice cream. She fell asleep in the car on the way back and ended up sleeping for quite a while, oops. This meant that she really did not want to go down to sleep come bedtime, even though it was later than usual.

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