Bugs on the Calendula

This calendula is earning its salt :)

Spent the afternoon in the garden doing some hacking and weeding. There is still a lot to be done :) Got Mr Lif on gathering lupin seeds today. He does come in handy sometimes. He spent the afternoon clearing the raised beds of the poppies which he planted thinking they were rocket. He also added some of our compost to the soil. All looking good

In other news young Jake has nits. I, of course, only discovered this after the chemists had closed today. We are all sitting scratching until the chemists open tomorrow.

We also got a phone call from Mike's sis Barbara today to say that Alan (of the allotment) was in hospital - appendix, it would appear. The last thing they needed this month after Mike's dad passing. Never rains but it pours. Get well soon Alan x

Not sure what these bugs are, but I am sure someone will :)

Time for a wee cava I think :)

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