Snippets of Life

By betho

Safari Ants

Where are they going? Where have they come from? And why? Who knows, but they'll give you a nasty nip if you get in their way. We poked a stick in the middle and a load of angry huge ones came and prowled around the edges in case there was going to be trouble.

Went to LCC in the morning and then (after they'd fed us great githeri once again) went over to In His Image to see the babies and take a load of babies clothes that people gave me. We stayed till after fruit time when they all go down for a nap and then walked over to give the ladies at Bracken a horrible amount of money (though significantly less than most people would have to) to go on Safari, which we'd decided last minute on Wednesday to go ahead and do. You're only here once (well.. probably not but you know, and anyway who can resist a reduced safari at probably the nicest place ever!).

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