With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

The way back home

I've just put little Agu back to bed again listening to this story. He apparently slept all afternoon, which makes me wonder if he's going to have some bug or other, or maybe it's just as Mrs P suspects and is a little overtired after all the travelling and change of temperature over the last few days. Here he is adventuring down a path...

I was very pleased to see all my lovely colleagues again today. The pupils appear on Monday, so now we are preparing. I'm quite excited to have my own space and need to be decorating the lab over the next few working days. Lots of planning to do too. Contract signed. It feels good to be 'permanent'.

Otherwise, Mrs P valiently held the fort and we made the traditional trip to the lighthouse when there's only half an hour for a trip out. There's a blooming big yacht moored outside the bay. Who could it be?

A big dinner and I'm on my way to my feathery home.

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