With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Transfigured light

Work today was interesting to see the mix of familiar and new faces and to think of what will be when the children arrive on Monday. All good.

Mrs Pepperpot and I went hear a wonderful mix of the seasons, twice infact. Vivaldi and Piazzolla - The Eight Seasons - at the Convent, Soller. Normally, I stare at this chandelier when the boys are singing at the Christmas Concert, but tonight the lights took on a different feel. Music to fall in love with, brilliantly performed by Sebastiá Pou and the Palma Strings. The encore was very familiar, Piazzolla´s Libertango, many will know the Grace Jones version from some years ago.

Later we saw more familiar faces as we had dinner at Sa Cova. The Church Restoration Fund was having a dinner and raffle, with Mallorquin musical accompaniment. As the ladies tottered home with their prizes, other familiar faces started to appear and the night transfigured from one kind to another. Mrs P and I made it home before Bar Nadal really got going.

Night night!

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