A Fourgon Conclusion
Early start today, slightly the worse for wear after one too many glasses of wine to welcome Mr B home. Regardless, breakfasts were had, packed lunch and snacks were prepared, first day at school photos were taken, and we headed off. The school had put on coffee for the parents, which I drank in the playground with a small boy clinging to me. I took my chance when it came and scarpered - knowing he'd be fine as soon as I was gone (well, mostly knowing it - and Mr B stopped me from hiding behind a car for a while to check).
Home then for many admin tasks and phone calls before a trip to the post office to send a registered letter to our neighbour (and landlord) giving notice on our rented house ... Scary. We'll be leaving the lovely central heated house for an unheated wreck at the end of November.
Later, there was more drywalling, then home to wait for the folk to come to take our broken van away. There it is, above, being hauled into a skip, after the grabby arm thingy turned out to be too small to pick it up. But finally it is gone.
Later still, there was a quick pasta dinner for the famished children who somehow weren't allowed snacks today at school. And the pasta sauce, made with my very own passata was delicious - I can see I'm going to have to plant more tomatoes next year.
Another scorcher today. We're supposed to have rain for a few days next week. Phew.
Fourgon = van in french. Ooh, get me, with my multi-lingual punning.
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