Sarahs Eyes

By sarah6916

A day off with the monkeys

Today was my first full day with the monkeys in what feels like ages! Bear has been away for most of the summer holidays staying with various family members and they have both been away at their Dads for the last week and a half. it is lovely to have them back although it has been a bit of a case of reinforcing what behaviour I find acceptable again!

We popped out to Highdown Gardens for a stroll this afternoon as the sun decided to pay a very welcome visit and apart from that we have made cakes and generally pottered. I think that the children have quite like settling back in at home again.

Lavender is one of my favourite flowers and so it was whilst I was breathing in great lungfuls of it (because I like the smell and nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that the Bear has come back with a lovely habit of answering back!) when I spotted this busy bee!

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