Today was tomato harvest day, and here they are waiting to be weighed, cut, roasted, sieved and boiled down to a thick gloupy sauce full of the taste of summer. My loathing of fresh tomatoes will not be news to regular readers, but once heated they become quite sublime. I do wish I liked them fresh off the vine - maybe one day. A friend (and previous fellow member of the 'would you like my tomatoes' club) says that being pregnant cured her loathing of them. Not mine. All I got was an allergy to cut grass (and two wonderful children of course, she added quickly).
Anyway, the biggest - one of Big Cyril's fruit naturally - weighed in at 340g or 11 and 7/8 ounces. They were roasted with some herbs from the garden in our broken oven - which we have to watch like a hawk or it will turn itself off - and the sauce already tastes wonderful. I will make up some labels:
"Chaiselongue's tomato purée"
and remember the battle those plants have had to survive every time I use the sauce. Thanks Chaiselongue for the recipe.
In other news, more school supply purchasing, this time from the nice shop in town that was the scene of Conor's worst ever tantrum. He was reminded of this, and warned quite firmly, and behaved perfectly. I almost bought him a present, until I remembered that managing to behave for 10 minutes in a shop while your mam buys things for you is normal, not super-good...
More wallpaper stripping, a chat with the electrician, and the day was nearly gone. Mr B is back to tomorrow. That'll be an end to my light and airy vegetarian meals then (hurrah).
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