Some skirts are just made for twirling. And today, for no reason other than to cheer myself up, I got all dollied up in a summer dress and twirled around. Dashing around the house is somehow a lighter experience when you get to flounce down the stairs feeling like Scarlet O'Hara. Especially if your flouncing is part of a series of journeys upstairs to tell the 400 kids who are raising merry hell in your house to shut up so you can get on with some work...
Another dull day today weatherwise - with added rain and wind. So of course all the local parents were looking for somewhere for their kids to go... which ended up being our house. I came into the hall at one point to see a little boy (4, maybe) who I'd never seen before. Not ideal in a house that's still half a building site. Anyway, I had a deadline so no time to supervise or entertain other people's kids. Less interesting work today and less intellectually head-hurting, just painful as it was so bad: badly written, badly researched... There wasn't really much I could do (I am, after all, a lowly paid proofreader/editor - not a dissertation supervisor).
But at the end of the day there was much twirling, some baking and the glee that comes from knowing that Mr B will be back tomorrow.
In other news, literally, South Africa is arresting striking miners for murder after the police shot other striking miners... Republicans in America have a convention emphasising racial harmony and two delegates are ejected for throwing peanuts at a black CNN journalist... And Syria is still all to heck. It's enough to put you off your twirling.
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