The Apple of...
Second first days today. Today was Bethany's first full day of school. She's having packed lunches, so she's there from 9 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon. Everyone has been telling me that they just end up knackered from this and so far I've not really had a peep from upstairs so I guess that one rings true.
I think I mentioned about Bethany's eye patch prescription. Her right eye hasn't developed 20-20 vision very well so her glasses have a pretty strong prescription on that eye. The eye apparently keeps developing until age 7 so after a recent visit to the hospital, they've prescribed 6 hours a day (not necessarily continuous) of using only her bad eye in a bid to make it do all the work and hopefully get some better use out of it.
I told her that I'd drawn things on her patch to spruce them up a bit. I did the apple last night, she decided this morning that it required a face, arms and legs. Tomorrow's request was, randomly, for a milk carton, so I'd better get on that now.
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