Red Squirrel



Anticipation is usually a great thing - waiting what seems like ages for something brilliant - getting tickets for a gig/show/exhibition etc and the days/weeks ticking by until it happens for instance. Sometimes it kicks you up the backside and the event when it finally happens is a total let-down! Thankfully that's never happened too often to me.
Old fashioned Pinks are my favourite of all garden flowers, but Oriental Lilies and highly perfumed old-world roses come close (smell is a link here!). As well as looking beautiful they smell wonderful too, thus appeasing 2 senses rather than 1. I frequently buy cut Oriental Lilies for my living room. They fill the room with scent and last for ages. Asiatic ones just won't do - no smell!
My last Oriental Lilies seemed to die a death after last winter, and a few years of lush flowering. So this year I planted some more. It's taken what seems like forever for them to come to fruition, and finally they've shown their faces. This one should be 'Stargazer' - and it's teasing me by taking its time about opening!
There's also a white one almost in full bloom. But it's Stargazer that I can't wait to see and smell. I wish it would hurry up!

I almost blipped something else today that I snapped whilst dunging my paddock - you can see it here. . In the words of Rolf Harris - can you tell what it is yet? lol! Zoomed in it reminded me of marble, or clouds over mountain tops.

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