You want me to do what?

Poor Corin.
Every now and again I get these hair brained schemes.
The current one involves rearranging our living room.
Straightforward enough you would think.
But no. I will involve much moving of cabling, radiators and putting up of shelves, as well as shifting a number of big cabinets.
I eventually picked up on his lack of enthusiasm.
I have come to the conclusion that maybe it is a stupid idea.

Chris went home today. A little part of me went with him - I miss my brother a lot these days. I wish he and Faye were closer than the 200 miles that currently separates us.

Other things:
Photos of "The 45s" - the band from friday night - am quite pleased particularly since it was shot in low light.

Watch this - annoyingly catchy beat and awesome video - if your connection allows it, do it in HD and full screen. Everytime I watch it, I see something I missed previously.

Lovely evening on the sofa with Corin watching Elbow in concert at Reading. Very cool.

Night peeps

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