Life is so silly...

when my brother gets added to the mix in the Dunwood household.

He had the crappest journey ever to get here yesterday - leaving before 12 (lunchtime) and arriving here at 7pm. To top it off, he probably would have been here half an hour earlier, but given that our local environment is "roundabout central" (there's one every 250 yards, or so it seems), he got lost twice within about a mile of our house. Crap traffic, awful weather - oh yeah, and he was on his motorbike so it was even worse!

We did have a great time last night at Dad's party. It was genuinely lovely to spend the evening with family - we don't do it often enough and we should definitely try harder to get together.

Had long talks with the band as well. My Dad had asked if they minded if I took photos of them and as it happened, they are looking for some decent promotional shots. Green light for shutter happy Hebs! I've managed to sort through today and get down to 75 decent ones of the band and about 150 of the party, so tomorrow, after Chris has departed, I'll be ploughing my way through them.

Was so grateful to have my blipcards last night. Gave 4 to the band and then another pile to Simon, who is a longtime friend and who manages the bar where the party was. I'm hoping for some leads from him too!!!

Today has been largely a lazy day, with bacon butties for brekkie, lots of brews, slobbing on the sofa and then rampaging around the field with James, Corin and Chris, with Nerf guns and remote control helicopter and plane. Chris got the helicopter stuck in a tree and a lovely local gentleman went and got a very big stick to retrieve it for him! The local chavs were most put out later on when we went out again and spoiled their field time!

Made a lovely chicken curry for tea with home made naan breads (the first one caught fire as it was too close to the grill!). Chris demonstrated his decreasing capacity to cope with hot chilli by perspiring furiously!

Now, it's absolutely torrential rain outside. James is in bed, I'm off to chat rubbish and listen to the wonderful laugh of that equally lovely brother of mine.

The only thing that would have made the weekend any better would have been if my brother's wife had been able to come up as well. We will see you next time though!!!

Night peeps.

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