
By russpix

Precious Light

Headed to David Mach's exhibition, Precious Light, at Edinburgh's City Art Centre, while O and her mum caught a kid's Fringe show. Took a detour on the way, through Waverley station to see if there was anything worth Blipping - then realised my DSLR battery was flat. Took this grainy (noisy) shot of the travel hall glass roof with my smartphone - a big contrast in quality and scope from the 'above' shot, taken with my DSLR last winter! The mainly glass roof of the station - incidentally the only main rail terminal in the world named after a novel - is undergoing a major renovation to open much more of the platforms and concourses to natural light.

The Mach exhibition, marking the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, was worth seeing - and not just for believers or scholars. This rendering of the plague of frogs, using Belfast City Hall as the backdrop, was typical of many of the large collages. Was fascinating to watch his assistants working on the final exhibit, the Last Supper, in the studio - though I tend to agree with one anonymous patron who wrote in the visitor's book 'Fit's it aw aboot?'

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