Boating Day!

A beautiful Grey Heron, posing for me close to the Hartbeespoort Dam wall this morning! They are such beautiful, huge birds, very common in our area! The smaller bird next to it is a cormorant.

I wrongfully named it a Cormorant, I suppose I was just too tired to do my research properly, sorry my dear Blipfriends! Thank you so much to those of you who corrected me, it is deeply appreciated! ;-o

Weather permitted us to go out with the boat today! We had such a lovely, relaxing day! It was extra special because it was the first time we took Joe out to the dam and to top it all, little Wilhelm and his parents as well as his baby sister Lianey! Little Wilhelm could not wait for this day to arrive, he waited the whole winter long for this day of boating, oh my, what a pleasure to see his excitement! He turned up at our front door very early this morning, and left with us, his parents only came later! ;-)

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