To keep those wings beating... amazing amount of sugar water is required. It is hard to keep up with their voracious appetites. This is a ruby-throated hummingbird, the only species we have in this area. Soon they will leave for their long journey south, but we have enjoyed watching them at our feeders this summer.

We are still not back in full form from the aftermath of our lightning strike (yesterday's blip). The telephone repairman is yet to pay us a visit, so Bob's business line is still not working; nor is the television which is connected through the same line. Gulliver's Invisible Fence is also offline until at least Tuesday when someone from that company is scheduled to arrive. I think it is mildly amusing that in my journal the day before the lightning strike I remarked, "I wouldn't be surprised if we got a storm tonight," Boy, did we ever! But thankfully it wasn't a tornado. One blew through about 15 miles south of here at about the time the storm struck us. All-in-all it was a pretty unsettled night. No wonder Gulliver was nervous.

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