michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Female

On a dreary overcast day...I spent about an hour
watching the ducks napping, and preening themselves. I know they have
to...but...if we spent that much time prissing, preening, poking, and
plucking...we would be the cleanest and tidiest things around. I'm waiting to
get a picture with that nice yellowish-orange beak in it, and the duck has it
buried under her wing...trying to pull out a feather.
I'm guessing the female duck has a lot of thoughts
on her mind.
1. I wonder how the kids are doing. They don't come
around like they used to.
2. Where can I hide to get away from that hornster
Donald Drake?
3. What happened to all that great green stuff that
was on the pond?
4. Who died and left the geese to rule over
5. Does my rear look big in this summer
6. Is it time to think about the long journey
Lots of questions on top of just trying to survive.
After watching the ducks napping, and the general dreariness of the day...I may
slip away for a little cat nap. Then...it's up to put dinner in the oven
(scallopped potatoes and chops)...before going to pick up my doctor.

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